
About me:

I was born in 1953 in Berlin/Germany. From my early ages I was interested in photography.

After school I had 17 years of opportunity to acquire a good knowledge of phototecnics and the whole profession of a photographer at my job at FOTO MEYER.

1994 I moved to Vienna. There I could work, besides my job at FOTO WEIDL VIDEO , as front page photographer for the little polish magazine POLONIKA.

1997 I moved to Goiânia/Brazil because of family reasons (My wife is Brazilian). Here I get my living from traditional photography and digital image processing.

Some samples of my work I want to show on this homepage.

The Brazilian pop singer Fernanda Abreu at her concert in Brasília at the "Jestival da Juventude 98.

Here is a sample for digital restoration of an old faded and partly destroyed picture.

Opening the page could be a little slow, because I wanted to show the quality of my work in relatively high resolution

This is a digital photomontage, made from 4 pictures I took at the "Jestival da Juventude 98" in Brasília.

If you have any questions about Digital Image Processing, let me know.

You although can e-mail picture files you want me to process. I will send my offer to your mailbox.

LiterArt is only German, sorry.

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